“A good mind and a good
heart are always a formidable combination.”
Our Vision
*Luminous Minds at Lake View Psychotherapy embraces the whole-hearted intention to help people heal and improve wellness through the development and delivery of innovative mental health care, including access to safe and effective evidence-based, scientifically sound, and ethical psychedelic-assisted therapies.
*At the forefront of a transformation aimed at deep physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and social healing we seek meaningful change at the core, rather than mere symptom reduction. We endeavor to help people evolve, not just feel better. We believe each individual possesses an intrinsic capacity to self-heal which can be accessed in a radically mindful state. In this process we guide, we accompany, we witness, and we empower.
*We are forward thinkers and activists in the integration of psychedelic-assisted therapies into mainstream clinical practice. As providers and tribespeople, we synergistically create a rich vessel for holding those who venture in psychedelic space. This is our calling.
*As an established trusted brand in the psychedelic space we endeavor to provide a service that reflects our kindred ideals. We are healers, grateful for the honor we have been given to join others in their journeys.
*Our practice of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy is principled, unique, and constantly evolving as we explore undiscovered reaches.
*Seriously mindful that our guidework operates within ethical and moral boundaries, we understand the sacred journey between therapist and patient is a non-ordinary awe-inspiring thereapeutic experience, and hold it in reverence.
*Boundlessly passionate about our work, we personally strive to manifest all tenants of extraordinary living that we advocate to our patients.
*Perpetually curious and thoughtful about what it means to live fully human, we seek to affirm and contrubute to healther families, communities, societies, and cultures as they are the sustaining life-source of individuals as relational beings. This is reflected in the communal context we create for psychedelic assisted healthcare.
*We seek to foster universal human connectedness, heart coherence, and wholeness. And if an endeavor does not qualify as this, we do not choose it.
Care Providers
As seasoned clinicians, with expertise in addictions and mental health treatment, we bring our gifts and talents to join collaboratively with individuals and families as they find their way to recovery.
The care we provide is best described as therapeutic partnerships.
Individually and collectively our Care Providers are committed to competent and compassionate guidance based on essential spiritual principals and elegant therapeutic frameworks that focus on attachment and development of the Self and the spirit.
Sherry R. Sigafoos, MS.Ed.
Licensed Professional Counselor
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist
Licensed Substance Abuse Treatment Practitioner
Certified Substance Abuse Counselor
EMDR Level II Certified
NADA Certified Auricular Acupuncture
ASAM Criteria Endorsement
Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapist
Psychedelic Integration Practitioner & Trainer
Registered Clinical Supervisor
Practice Owner
Korrin Vanderhoof, MSSA
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Psychedelic Integration Practitioner
Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapist
James Allen, MD
Addiction Medicine Specialist
NADA Certified Auricular Acupuncture
Ketamine Medicine Physician
Psychedelic Integration Practitioner
Board Certified Neurosurgeon (1993-2017)
Alison Worret, MA CMHC
Resident Licensed Professional Counselor
Psychedelic Integration Practitioner
Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapist
Verified by Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/alison-b-worret-virginia-beach-va/1203124
Contact Information
5267 Greenwich Road, Suite #100
Virginia Beach, VA 23462
P (757) 552-0884
F (757) 552-0887
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 9AM-9PM
Monday & Friday: By Appointment